Data Management

Data management isn’t straightforward. It demands careful supervision from the moment the data is created until it’s retired. When data is managed properly, you can enhance data usability and quality. Companies often run into problems when working with data from disparate sources and scaling. Whether it’s issues related to data duplication, isolation, or complex management issues, a robust data management strategy that is supported by the right tools can get you over any potential hurdle that lies ahead.

At its most basic level, data management describes the process of collecting, storing, and using data efficiently, securely, and cost-effectively. The primary objective here is to connect and pipe in data from different sources and make critical business decisions. Effective data management is a combination of best practices, concepts, processes, procedures, and an extensive collection of tools that help enterprises control and manage their data resources effectively.

Data management powers the processes for every successful organization, across all industries. With more data and easier access to analytics comes the chance to seize more opportunities, ask more questions and solve more problems.

Managing your data is the first step toward handling the large volume of data, both structured and unstructured, that floods businesses daily. It is only through data management best practices that organizations are able to harness the power of their data and gain the insights they need to make the data useful.

In fact, data management via leading data management platforms enables organizations and enterprises to use data analytics in beneficial ways, such as:

  • Personalizing the customer experience
  • Adding value to customer interactions
  • Identifying the root causes of marketing failures and business issues in real- time
  • Reaping the revenues associated with data-driven marketing
  • Improving customer engagement
  • Increasing customer loyalty

So, how do we start from here?

The best way to manage data, and eventually get the insights needed to make data-driven decisions, is to begin with a business question and acquire the data that is needed to answer that question.

Based on the business objective, that can have been identified through an audit of the current digital eco-system, we will outline in one global overview systems, datasources, type of data and links between all. This will allow us to identifiy missing data and links but also to define what needs to be extracted from where. Next step will be to build the framework for agglomerated data, the setup of the automated datasources and the development of the visual output of both. Part of this all, will also be the selection of the right data management tools for each step of the journey going from data management, data integration and transformation to data analytics and visualization.

Main challenges of data management

While some companies are good at collecting data, they are not managing it well enough to make sense of it. Simply collecting data is not enough; companies need to understand from the start that data management and data analytics only will be successful when they first put some thought into how they will gain value from their raw data. We can then move beyond raw data collection with efficient systems for processing, storing, and validating data, as well as effective analysis strategies.

Another challenge of data management occurs when companies categorize data and organize it without first considering the answers they hope to glean from the data. Each step of data collection and management must lead toward acquiring the right data and analyzing it in order to get the actionable intelligence necessary for making truly data-driven business decisions.

How can we collaborate?

Based on an intake conversation to assess the maturity of the current setup, the business objectives to follow and the available internal and external capabilities, I will draft a perzonalised proposal with a timeline and we can start discussing an approach and align on next steps together. You can reach out by mail or the contactform.